MY Tracker

  • API Information
  • Middle Filter
  • MY Default
  • No Data Available
  • MY Inactive

Additional Information

What’s this site about?

The Model Year Tracker Site is here to replace the old MY Sheet tracker. As a user, you will be able to check the desired model year per business center.

How this site works?

This site is being fed by a client API that returns specific model year values for each of the business centers and vehicles. Every time a model year changes, this site is going to reflect that update and the system will send alerts. If no Model year is received, a configured default value will be displayed. For cases that a specific model year needs to be displayed, regardless of the year received from the API, the Middle filter needs to be configured with the required value to overwrite the information received from the endpoints.

Are all of the displayed model years necessarily ON on the T2 Feeds?

No. The Exception List spreadsheet HERE, is a feed that aims to allow an extra layer of specificity about which parents, associated with a Year + Short Model Code, should be kept turned OFF. This feed is consulted once the system has received the data with the brands, business centers, years and short model codes that should be turned ON. Then it will read the data, and look for exceptions associated with a Year + Short Model Code that should be turned on. If an exception is found, then it will be kept OFF.
There are some identified cases when a parent should be turned OFF, even if it is of a model year requested by the API.
i.e.: When a "Sales Event" is running, the parents needs to be turned OFF from the 2022 T2 Brand Feed by this Exception List, since they will be ON in the Sales Events feed.

What does "Middle filter" means?

The middle filter is a configurable option to overwrite the model year received from the API according to the specific (User/Business Centers/ brands/ customers) needs.

What we should do when “No Data Available” is returning for a family code?

Contact the implicated BC to identify the reason why there is no data available. While the trouble shooting is done, a model year default defined in the Default MY by Short Model Code spreadsheet HERE will be shown.